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Pregnancy and Heartburn avoided

Pregnancy and heartburn are two words that should not be together. You never want to complicate pregnancy even in the slightest way and heartburn is no exception. However if you are it this site then chances are you experiencing heartburn as we speak. It’s not the end of the world but one things for sure you want to rid yourself of heartburn and put pregnancy and heartburn ailment behind you.

Let's talk some pregnancy and heartburn NATURAL remedies. I always prefer to take a natural approach to curing ailments when pregnancy is involved, as I’ve read that long term use of over the counter medicines can be harmful so why take the risk? Keep in mind that this website is no substitute for medical advice and you should never take chances with your pregnancy. Always consult a doctor. Now that we’ve got that out of the way let’s begin.

Pregnancy and heartburn natural remedies:

The first remedy I want to discuss is one that's been passed down from generation to generation you've probably already heard of it. I'm talking about baking soda. Most people already have baking soda in their home and it's a great way to treat heartburn. Simply take a glass of water ( I like about 12 ounces or so) and add some baking soda to the water and mix it up nicely. For taste I like to add honey as it tastes pretty bad by itself but it can be done. Try your best to drink the entire 12 ounces and get every bit of the baking soda for best results, you should be heartburn free within 30 minutes. Next item on the agenda is ginger, get yourself some fresh ginger and again mix it with water, you shouldn’t need to add anything for flavor as this solution tastes pretty good by itself. 

If you haven't tried vinegar and water or apple cider vinegar for heartburn then you are missing out. Although it doesn’t work as fast as baking soda and water it works pretty good within an hour and it tastes really good (the apple cider vinegar that is) if you are doing just straight vinegar with water then you will need to add something for flavor.

Pregnancy and heartburn avoided with a good diet:

A good diet can help prevent heartburn and prevention is the best form of medicine as it stops it before it even starts. I’ll briefly cover what foods to avoid in your diet.

You will want to try your best to avoid any fried foods as these are known to flair up your reflux and cause heartburn. Also stray away from things that are high in acid and this can include some fruits, although fruits are healthy they have a lot of natural sugars any many of them are loaded with acidity so it’s best to stay away. Lastly and most importantly if it’s spicy it’s probably not the best option. Avoid spicy foods whenever possible as they are very likely to cause heartburn flair ups.

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The Beginning – The First Signs Of Pregnancy

The first signs of pregnancy in first-time mothers may be a cause of concern for them. More often than not, they may not be sure if they are pregnant at all. Another problem is that a woman may not have all the first pregnancy symptoms. Besides, the first signs of pregnancy are very different from what you undergo as your pregnancy week by week grows in each trimester.

The Very First Signs Of Pregnancy That Can Be Misleading

·  Periods: ‘Missed period’ is the very first sign for a woman to know whether she is pregnant or not. However, the problem here is that not every period missed is because of pregnancy. Irregularity in menstrual cycle is also observed due to stress and over-tiredness.

 Moreover, in some cases, periods continue albeit lightly, even after pregnancy for one or two months. This first sign of pregnancy because of their unawareness may mislead women who are pregnant for the first time. 

·  Breasts: Another apparent symptom for the first sign of pregnancy is tender or swollen breasts, with tingling sensation that occur immediately after conception. However, this symptom may be the result of the side-effects of some birth control pills or PMS, the breast changes may not be taken as a definite indicator of pregnancy. 

·  Morning sickness: Morning sickness is another first sign of pregnancy. Though it is called morning sickness, it may come at any time during the day. Usually, it comes for two to eight weeks after becoming pregnant. However, there may be other possible causes for the illness like food poisoning, infection etc. 

·  Excess urination: It has been medically found that women immediately after conceiving urinate frequently. This is also one of the first signs of pregnancy. However, there are other causes for excessive urination as well like diuretics, urinary infection, diabetes, or even tension. 

·  Fetal Heart Beat: The point here is none of the above first signs of pregnancy may be a definite indicator or proof for a woman to confirm herself about her pregnancy, more so in the case of first time pregnant women. Having said all the above, it must be mentioned here that the first confirmed proof of pregnancy comes in the form of the first fetal heart beat, that is audible to the woman during the first ten to twenty weeks [in ultrasound]. This along with the any one of the above pregnancy symtoms viz., missed period, breast changes, morning sickness, frequent urination may conclusively confirm that a woman is ‘carrying’ (her baby). 

The first signs of pregnancy may be a new experience for first-timers, while they may mislead or confuse others.

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Very Early Signs of Pregnancy – An Overview

The experience of pregnancy can be very different from woman to woman, as can the early symptoms. Despite differences there are usually some common signs and symptoms that can be a good guide to determine early pregnancy.

Early Signs of Pregnancy

Usually understanding the symptoms and signs to detect early pregnancy can allow a woman to get a head start on the planning process for during and after pregnancy. Early detection of anything is always helpful.

Here are some of the early signs that you may be pregnant:

Bleeding and/or cramping can be a very early sign that the embryo has implanted itself to the uterine wall. This process sometimes causes the bleeding which is normal.

Delay or change in menstruation is the most common sign of pregnancy. When a woman becomes pregnant eventually she will stop menstruation so a change or stop in the menstrual cycle is a good sign that you may be pregnant.

Swollen or tender breast unrelated to your menstrual cycle. Typically women experience this during their period. If your period is not the culprit it may be an early sign if the swelling or tenderness persists.

Tiredness or fatigue can start as early as week one of pregnancy. A baby can take a significant amount of energy which explains why newly pregnant women feel tired or drowsy in the beginning. It will take the body a little while to adjust to living for two.

Nausea usually occurs anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months after conception. Not everyone gets morning sickness; some are fortunate but for others feeling ill can be a sure sign of pregnancy.

Aches and pains specifically in the head and the back are common for pregnant women. These are often due to a change in hormones which begin to show signs of adjustment early in the process.

Cravings for certain types of foods or tastes are often related to pregnancy. Everyone has heard the jokes about pregnant women eating pickles and bananas or ice cream in the middle of the night. The truth is that food cravings do occur early on in a pregnancy and can last for the duration of it. Making sure you are keeping active and eating healthy is the best way to fight constant cravings for sweets and snacks.

These are just a few of the most common signs of early pregnancy, of course if you are experiencing only one or two of these symptoms it may be a sign of something else. Always check with your doctor to be sure.

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Tips For a Stress Free Pregnancy

Nothing is as amusing and exciting as when a woman realizes that she is pregnant. Her whole world now revolves around her tummy and her baby inside. She starts asking questions about her pregnancy to everyone around her like her parents, friends, colleagues and doctors. Mixed feelings, emotions and anxiety fills her mind as she starts getting the initial pregnancy symptoms.

The early signs of pregnancy can be anything from feeling drowsy to vomiting every morsel of food or water. This really frightens the pregnant woman and everyone around her. 

During such severe pregnancy symptoms always consult the family gynecologist who might suggest some mild medication to reduce such symptoms. These symptoms are unavoidable and can vary from person to person. Some women experience no symptoms at all whereas others find it difficult to even move around. These symptoms will last during the initially stages and so it is best to stay calm till it subsides after say the fourth month of the pregnancy calendar or little beyond.

It is always good to maintain a pregnancy calendar to monitor the different stages of pregnancy week by week. The growth of the baby is easy to analyze through this report. Generally the consulting doctor will maintain a chart about the progress. Regular checkup and follow up on the doctor’s advice and counsel will help the expectant mother to go through the different stages hassle and stress free. There are many books available on pregnancy and child birth. The expectant mother can go through them in her free time for more clarification on when to expect what during the different stages.

The elders at home can be of great help to the expectant mother by offering her best advice and sharing their own experiences. Listening to such tales will instill confidence and reduce the fear for child birth. Many women have nightmares when they don’t know how painful or stressful the final stage of pregnancy is going to be. Especially when it is their first child the mothers are anxious and even a small discomfort will increase their fear and tension. Pregnant mothers can check online resources like pregnancy symptom quiz, videos and lots of related material and e-books which will give more knowledge of what to expect and when to expect during the course of the different stages of pregnancy.

No amount of bookish knowledge will actually help you when it comes to real experience. Try to stay calm and cool and go through the symptoms and other discomforts for the sake of the baby inside. Try to maintain good health, eat healthy food rich in proteins, minerals, vitamins and iron. Try not to take any medication without consulting the doctor. Drink lots of liquid in the form of clean water, fresh fruit juices and soups. Exercise moderately under consultation of the doctor and try to mediate and keep your mind stress and problem free. 

The long wait during the pregnancy period is forgotten when the baby comes into the world. So remain stress free and enjoy every moment of the new experience that your child is giving you.

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Heartburn during pregnancy

Feeling so fed up with that burning feeling in your chest that reaches your throat to the point you almost want to throw up? That’s actually pretty normal if you are pregnant and it is definitely bothersome especially if you are carrying “someone” there in your tummy.

Heartburn during pregnancy

Most commonly, heartburn during pregnancy is due to the pressure of the growing fetus inside your abdomen which displaces or presses some of your gastrointestinal organs like your stomach. This usually happens when the height of your fundus (top most part of your uterus) reaches the stomach region. This means that heartburn during pregnancy is kind of a normal thing but definitely, we can prevent this from occurring as this may be really stressful on the part of the mother.

Here are some tips which you can employ to prevent experiencing heartburn during pregnancy:

Proper Positioning. When taking a nap or lying down, be sure to elevate your head higher than the rest of your body. This will prevent the stomach contents from flowing back to the esophagus.

Zero Spicy and Fatty Foods. Limit, if not totally avoid fatty and spicy foods during pregnancy. These types of food irritate the lining of the esophagus and have been found to cause the relaxation of the valve that controls the flow of food into the stomach.

Banned Beverages. You must also try to avoid drinking beverages containing caffeine, citrus, as well as soda drinks as these beverages will exacerbate or intensify the occurrence of heartburn during pregnancy.

Small Frequent Feedings. Since your stomach has adjusted to the growing child inside you, the content of food that your stomach can handle will also adjust and lessen. Eat small meals frequently to avoid dumping of food inside your stomach because this might lead to acid reflux. Eating small meals will also keep you energized all throughout the day.

Dress Comfortably. Avoid wearing tight clothes while you are pregnant. Apart from being uncomfortable, it also tightens your abdomen thus promoting your stomach contents to flow back into the esophagus.

After Meal Rituals. Right after eating a heavy meal, try to walk around to help your stomach digest your food and speed up gastric emptying. Also avoid lying down immediately- try to wait for about an hour or so. If lying down to take some nap or sleep, make sure you lie towards the left to avoid acid reflux, as well as hypotension.

Following these steps will help you lessen the occurrence of heartburn during pregnancy. If the problem persists, it is best to consult your physician to be prescribed with appropriate medications which are proven to be safe during pregnancy.

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An Overview of Home Pregnancy Tests

If you are wondering whether or not you might be pregnant, you may be on the verge of heading off to the drug store to make the purchase of a home pregnancy test.  For many women in the 21st century, the home pregnancy test has become the most important tool through which they ultimate determine whether or not they are pregnant.  If you are considering the purchase and use of a home pregnancy test, there are some facts and factors that you will want to keep in mind.

Home Pregnancy Tests

The first thing that you need to appreciate when it comes to home pregnancy tests is that there are a variety of different products on the market today.  Generally speaking, these home pregnancy tests rely on the same “system” to ascertain if a woman is pregnant.  However, these tests have varying ways of displaying or conveying this information to a user of the test product itself.

What home pregnancy tests technically are doing is working to detect the presence of a certain type of hormone in your system, human chorionic gondotropin or hCG for short. hCG is a hormone created by the placenta and it can be detected in the urine or blood and is present when a woman is pregnant.  If this hormone is detected by a home pregnancy test, the test will indicate that a woman is pregnant.

In this day and age home pregnancy tests have become extremely accurate.  Indeed, the typical home pregnancy test proves to provide accurate results virtually 99% of the time.  (Some tests do prove more accurate than others; however, the vast majority of home pregnancy tests are not far off this mark.)

There generally are two ways in which a home pregnancy test can be used.  First, there are tests in which you dip the test stick or strip into your urine.  Second, there are tests in which you urinate directly on the test stick itself.

You need to carefully read all instructions accompanying the test, Normally, a home pregnancy test takes about three minutes after it was exposed to urine until your results will be available.  You really will want to “walk away” from the test stick or strip during this time period or it will seem like the longest three minutes of your life.

Home pregnancy tests have different mechanisms through which test results are provided.  Some use symbols such as a + and – sign.  Still other tests actually spell out the words “pregnant” and “not pregnant.”  Other tests utilize a color scheme.

Home pregnancy tests that are available today are relatively inexpensive.  There can be some price differences but they are not normally that significant.  Again, typical home pregnancy tests have about the same accuracy rate as one another. 

If you get a positive result from a home pregnancy test, you will want to make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible.  Your doctor will confirm your test results.  At that juncture, your doctor will begin planning with your course or prenatal care and related matters.  Prenatal care is a crucial element to ensuring that you have a smooth pregnancy, that you remain healthy and that you give birth to a healthy baby when all is said and done.

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Signs of being pregnant

Often fatigue, desire of nausea and cravings, sweet and sour: 10 typical signs, which indicates that you are pregnant. 

There are precursors, which often indicates a pregnancy answers the question “I am pregnant?”.

We give you the 10 best-known signs of pregnancy:

1. Signs of being pregnancy: Cravings

Sudden craving for unusual food combinations are a sign for pregnancy. Surveys of pregnant women consistently show a similar picture: Up to 85 percent of women say they are often plagued by food cravings, often in the middle of the night. Nearly half has appetite for sweets like ice cream or strawberries, about 20 percent have desire for sour, like pickles.

2. Signs of being pregnancy: Tender breasts

The feeling of swollen breasts and exciting moves many women to make a pregnancy test. In the case of pregnancy, the breasts are changing noticeably by the increase in hormones in the body: They are increasingly sensitive to touch.

Often the skin discolors dark around the nipples, a common outward sign of the hormonal changes.

3. Signs of being pregnancy: Little bleeding

A few days after ovulation, there can be a little bleeding , which is sometimes associated with mild abdominal cramps. But that is easy to treat. Consult your gynecologist.

Laying is right then, because that lowers the blood pressure and can the body can seal easily the bleeding vessel.

4. Signs of being pregnancy: High basal body temperature

The surest sign of pregnancy comes from the unborn child itself. This includes the baby’s heart, the increasing basal temperature, shortly after waking up. In general, it lies between 36.5 and 37 degrees. Shortly before ovulation, it rises about 0.5 degrees. During pregnancy, the temperature remains at this elevated level. Otherwise, it falls back ten o’clock to twelve days after ovulation. In individual cases it can also decrease after 18 days.

5. Signs of being pregnancy: Nausea

Nausea – whether morning, afternoon or evening can also be a signal for a pregnancy. However, it can also occur until several weeks after conception. In general, the nausea passes, but at least in the second trimester of pregnancy.

Even the sense of smell changes often. Recently appetizing and pleasant smell, can suddenly be unbearable for pregnant women.

6. Signs of being pregnancy: No energy

Leaden fatigue and exhaustion are the most common indicator of pregnancy. They occur mainly in the first four months. The reason: The body is working so hard at the beginning, the “hotel room” for the newborn. This physical peak, with all its organic and hormonal changes is extremely demanding and tiring.

7. Signs of being pregnancy: Frequent urination as

Even in the early pregnancy (from the sixth week), almost all pregnant women notice that they often have to use the toilet. This is the bladder, which can hold 300 to 500 milliliters, mostly filled incorrectly. This comes from the progesterone hormone, produced in the body, which has a relaxing effect on the bladder muscles. The Increased blood circulation stimulates the renal activity, so that more urine is produced. Moreover, the growing uterus pushes more and more on the bladder.

8. Signs of being pregnancy: “Just a feeling” of a pregnancy

Some women believe to notice when “it just happened.” Medically speaking, this is not possible because the body sends no signals at the moment of fertilization. But there are also scientists who do not want to rule out that some women have a kind of “sixth sense” and can perform the insemination.

9. Signs of being pregnancy: A missed period

The absence of the menstrual is perhaps the clearest sign of pregnancy. If you get your period regularly and then it is suddenly missing, you should take a first response pregnancy test.

10. Signs of being pregnancy:: A positive test

With a pregnancy test you get the result in cold print. If you made the test too early, it can be negative in spite of an existing pregnancy. An early diagnoses can be given ten days after the fertilization.

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EPT Pregnancy Test Results

To determine a pregnancy you must not visit your gynecologist. You can buy first response pregnancy test in each drugstore market or in each pharmacy different pregnancy tests and this way you can get your EPT pregnancy test results. With such a EPT pregnancy test you can make your testing in an absolute private environment. These EPT pregnancy test results are all based on the level of the hCG hormone.

EPT pregnancy test results and the meaning of the hCG value

hCG is a female hormone. The designation hCG is an abbreviation and stands for human choriongon adotropin. If it comes to a pregnancy, then this hormone is produced in the placenta. With a pregnancy test you only have to run some urine over the test stick, because there is always hCG in the urine.

There are conventional pregnancy tests and early pregnancy tests so called (EPT pregnancy test). With the second one you can determine your pregnancy already before you are missing your menstruation. These tests recognizes even smallest quantities of the hCG in the urine and so you can quickly say if you are pregnant or not. At the first times that sounds quite good, but has a large disadvantage: the woman can be pregnant, but for some reasons the body cannot keep the pregnancy and discharges the fertilized, nested egg cell with the next monthly bleeding. This happens in 25% of all pregnancies and usually of the women does not notice it at all.

If you know so early that you are pregnant, then it can become psychologically very painful for you, if the pregnancy ends with the next monthly bleeding. Consider yourselves whether you want to make an early test and get the ept pregnancy test results or whether you want to fall back to a normal test.

When should you make a pregnancy test?

Now, the best time for it is after missing the monthly bleeding. Buy a test, but do not run to the next equivalent toilet. Wait for the next morning, because the hCG value is best provable in the morning urine.

Clearblue pregnancy test

Pregnant or not pregnant?

If you assume to be pregnant a Clearblue pregnancy test helps you to get sure.
Clearblue offers a set of pregnancy tests, with which you can determine whether you expect a child or not.

There is no tests are more reliable – all Clearblue pregnancy tests are reliable from starting the day of  period maturity with more than 99%.

So sensitively that you can make an early test – all Clearblue pregnancy tests can be used up to 4 days before the period maturity

Clearblue DIGITAL with week regulation – this test shows you, how many weeks the conception is ago.

With the Clearblue DIGITALLY you get a completely exact answer of your pregnancy test. The Smart dual Sensor™ does not only indicate text whether you are more pregnant or not, but also the current pregnancy week.

Clearblue DIGITAL – unmistakable result in words

With the Clearblue DIGITALLY pregnancy test no lines must be interpreted. The progressive digital display communicates with you in words whether you are pregnant or not. Thus you receive the most reliable result in the early phase of the pregnancy.

Clearblue pregnancy test with application control – the only test with 5 indications of certainty

•    Reliably
•    Sensitively
•    Early
•    Clearly
•    Simply

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Prenatal Tests for Pregnant Mothers

Are you a first time pregnant mother, or perhaps you haven’t had a baby in quite a few years?  Finding out that you are pregnant can be stressful and exciting enough without having to worry about such things as the baby’s health.  This is why it is important to seek prenatal testing as soon as you find out that you are pregnant.  What this does is allow for the doctors to give your health condition an overall look, and determine if you and the baby are healthy.  Let’s take a look at what types of prenatal tests you can expect.

Although most prenatal tests are performed towards the beginning of your pregnancy, there are still many more that happen throughout till the end.  But the first thing that a doctor will check is the over all health of the mother.  These tests look at her blood pressure, weight, medical history, as well as blood and urine tests.  The urine tests are what doctors use to check during prenatal tests and see if you may have gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia, and any other bladder infections.  Furthermore, the blood pressure checks will help the doctor determine if there are any blood pressure problems that may require a secondary birth plan.

And when your doctor checks your blood itself, he or she is looking to see if you have any problems like Rh negative disease, anemia, or if you may have any STD’s that will effect your baby and/or delivery.  And finally, another of the first few tests will involve a vaginal pap and smear test to see if you have any bacteria, cervical cells that seem abnormal, and they will check for any STD’s that may not present with a blood test.  Further blood tests also look for hormones and AFP screening during prenatal testing.

As you can see, blood tests show your doctor a lot about your body and your baby.  And because your hormones tend to go crazy during pregnancy, they need to check certain levels like your human chorionic gonadotropin hormone.  If they find that this hormone is high in your body, it could mean that your baby is at risk for Down syndrome, and a low level can mean that you have an ectopic, or rather, tubal pregnancy.  Moreover, two other blood tests called AFP and alphafetoprotein tests look for your AFP, hCG, and estridol levels as part of the prenatal tests.  The reason for this is to ensure that your baby isn’t experiencing any neural tube defects that could turn into spina bifida or Down syndrome.

The next prenatal test is more popular with all the expecting parents.  We are talking about the ultrasound, which is commonly done at least once during the pregnancy, and more often with complicated pregnancies.  During this procedure your doctor will check the development of your baby, and look for any other health issues or abnormalities that may be present. What’s more, often times the doctor can even check for the sex of the baby.
And finally, the prenatal test that most mothers dread is the amniocentesis.  This prenatal test is more commonly used on women that become pregnant over the age of 35, or those women that have certain family disorders that get passed down.  The way that this test is performed is by taking a small amount of amniotic fluid from your uterus.

However, if the need to test for the conditions diagnosed through this method come up early on in the pregnancy, or if there is not enough amniotic fluid for the test, an alternate test is given.  For this test, the doctor will take a sample of fetal blood from the umbilical cord.  This type of test is called chorionic villus, and can detect other problems with your fetus like low oxygen levels or fetal anemia.  It is for these reasons and more that ensuring you have the right medical attention early on in your pregnancy is very important.
There are also additional prenatal tests that are gaining popularity which are prenatal genetic testing,prenatal genetic testing and prenatal dna testing.

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Pregnancy Symptoms – am I pregnant?

Finding out that you are pregnant can be the greatest joy for some people, but can also be very scary for others.  But what can be worse at times is going through the whole ordeal thinking you are pregnant only to find out that you are not.  This is why it is wise to learn about the pregnancy symptoms early on so that you know what to watch for.

These pregnancy symptoms can range from emotional signs to physical signs.  Below you will find a few tips on the symptoms that may present early on in a pregnancy so that you can gain the knowledge needed to get the right medical attention as soon as possible for you and your baby.

One of the common symptoms of pregnancy can actually feel like you are going to start your menstrual cycle.  What happens is that about 6-12 days after you have conceived, your embryo will become implanted in your uterine wall.  When this happens, some women may feel a bit of cramping and see some spotting or blood. But that is not the only menstruation issue that will arise while looking out for pregnancy symptoms.

You may be surprised to learn that not all pregnancies begin with a missed period.  There are some women who may just have a delayed menstrual cycle, or one that is just lighter and lasts for a shorter amount of time.  It is times like these that many women do not realize early signs of pregnancy and that they are pregnant until they are quite far along.  However, don’t fret yet, as even if your menstrual cycle does not give it away, there are many other pregnancy signs that will.

For instance, often times, one of the pregnancy symptoms women will experience is tender or swollen breasts early on in their pregnancy from the hormonal changes in their body.  And these same hormones can make them feel very fatigued as well.  In fact, feeling tired at the beginning of your pregnancy is very likely.  This happens because of the high doses of progesterone that will flow through your body making you feel very sleepy.  Furthermore, when you become pregnant you can often experience blower blood sugar levels, a low blood pressure, and even an increase in the blood that you produce, and all of those can cause fatigue.

And who can forget one of the most dreaded pregnancy symptoms: the ‘morning sickness’.  Although it is named that way, your nausea and vomiting can happen at any time of the day or night, and can begin as early as two weeks into your pregnancy.  The most common reason for this is because of the higher levels of estrogen that you will experience.  This hormone can make your sense of smell become stronger, and because of that, cause you to feel nauseous.  But luckily this tends to go away after the 12 week mark.

Another classic symptom of pregnancy is food cravings and even food aversions.  What used to make your mouth water with anticipation can turn it upside down, and what you would never have thought palpable can become your obsession.  And again, the reason behind these strange needs can be pinned on changes in your hormones, and especially when they are at their highest in your first trimester.  Furthermore, such hormones can cause headaches, constipation, faintness or dizziness, and raise your body temperature.

But one of the last classic symptoms of pregnancy is mood swings.  What used to be blamed on your menstrual cycle cannot be compared to the mood swings that you can experience while pregnant.  The reason why a woman has mood swings once a month is due to the hormones that regulate her menstrual cycle.  Well imagine those same hormones multiplied.  The result can cause you to cry one moment and get very angry the next.

So if you are experiencing one or many of these pregnancy symptoms, it is best to either go and purchase a test or visit your local gynecologist or family doctor.  If you are pregnant then they can point you in the right direction as to what to do next. But remember, that although these can point to pregnancy, they can also just mean that you are suffering from some other ailment, which is another reason why it is best to just be safe and get it check out.

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Prenatal Care for Healthy Baby

One of the most important things for you to do when you are pregnant is ensure that you have the best prenatal care in order to keep you and the baby healthy, as well as have a healthy delivery.  This is why you should always seek medical advice the moment you find out you’re pregnant.  With the right medical attention early on in the pregnancy, you will be able to detect any health issues that may be present, reduce your over all stress levels, and learn how to live a healthy lifestyle.

Just a few of the issues that can come up in pregnancy are group b strep, pre-eclampsia, Rh negative disease, gestational diabetes, bladder infections, and high blood pressure. The sooner you are able to get these medical problems diagnosed, the sooner you can begin treatment that may well save your life as well as your unborn baby’s life.  Some of these tests are merely there to monitor your blood pressure, weight, baby’s heartbeat, and pH levels.

Furthermore, you can look forward to such things as your first ultrasound to get a glimpse at your baby, and blood tests to check for any medical issues.  And always remember that your doctor is there to work for you and your baby, so make sure you choose one that will support your wants and needs during your pregnancy.

But good prenatal care is more than just visiting your doctor.

First let’s talk about your prenatal care in terms of a healthy diet.  Eating for two literally means that you need to remember that your body is also using your energy and nutrients for two people. This is why making sure you eat enough of the right things is so important.  For instance, if you eat too much greasy foods, and foods high in sugar while pregnant can cause you to gain too much weight too quickly, can cause more morning sickness than usual, and can highly contribute to gestational diabetes.

What your body needs instead are healthy snacks throughout the day when you feel hungry, balanced nutritional foods during meal times, and a prenatal vitamin should also be included in your prenatal plan.  With the right foods you will see that you have more energy even when most women will feel more fatigued during pregnancy.  What’s more, with a balanced diet you can help fight off issues like stress and depression.

Keeping your stress levels down during pregnancy is very important for you and your baby.  This however can be very difficult for those pregnant mothers that find they have to try to balance work with pregnancy.  If you are a working woman while going through pregnancy, try and balance out your schedule and cut out any unnecessary chores that can be passed on to others.  Further, try signing up for things that help you learn how to relax like taking yoga lessons for pregnant women, or simply join a support group that has other pregnant women.

What’s more, if you are a smoker, it is a good idea to think seriously about quitting, as well as cutting down on your caffeine intake.  Healthy lifestyle choices like this will go a long way in ensuring a healthy baby and delivery.

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Pregnancy Doctor: Choosing obstetrician

The most important thing to remember during pregnancy is that the obstetrician or commonly known as pregnancy doctor works for you and your baby, not the other way around.  And this is why it is very crucial to feel comfortable at all times talking to your pregnancy doctor and making requests, especially since this is a very intimate and personal relationship that must feel right for you.  In addition, there are other factors that you may want to think about before choosing the right OB/GYN(abbreviated as obstetrics and gynecology) for your pregnancy checkup.

For instance, some women feel more comfortable with a pregnancy doctor that has a small and intimate practice, while others prefer the busyness and companionship that can come from a big office full of other pregnant women.  This is why it is important to take into account the environment that surrounds the pregnancy doctor.  Furthermore, knowing which birth plan options are out there for you is very important. There are also women who prefer midwife to a pregnancy doctor. But that’s another whole topic and will be addressed later on our website.
Although some women know exactly what they want when it comes to how they will deliver, many first time moms do not have the first clue in what there is to offer them.  This is where you will want to talk to your prospective pregnancy doctor about pregnancy to see what he has to offer you.  There is nothing worse than wanting one type of birth experience and being forced into another at the last minute.  Just remember that unless there is a medical reason for not getting what you want during your pregnancy check up with the doctor, then you need to stand firm with your beliefs.

But for those that may have medical risks involved with their pregnancies, then they also must take that into consideration when choosing the right pregnancy doctor.  It is important for you to know that your obstetrician is experienced at handling your sort of problem, and that they are there for you when you need them.

The need for increased observation during pregnancy can stem from getting pregnant later than 35 years of age, having a history of miscarriages or other problematic pregnancies, having or have had an STD, suffering from diabetes or a history of gestational diabetes during pregnancies, and many other reasons why your pregnancy may be considered high risk.  Just feel confident about making sure that the pregnancy doctor you choose will be able to suite your needs.

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Pregnancy and Labor Signs – labor contractions

‘Nesting’ is the  symptom you will notice before your actual labor begins.  This can occur from weeks before to days before, and will have you getting urges to clean and prepare your home for he new baby, or to just tackle large projects around the house.  The reason why this sign is so noticeable is that the weeks’ leading up to this, a woman typically feels very exhausted and fatigued, and these surprise bursts of energy and restlessness will be very different from what she had been feeling.

Another early sign is called ‘bloody show’, and this sign means that your mucus plug that has grown around your cervix during pregnancy has been released.  This will present as a stringy like mucus that will come out of your vagina over time or even all at once, and may contain a bit of blood, or have red tint to it. However, if you notice more than just a spot or so of blood then you will need to contact your doctor immediately.

The next impending signs of labor would be your cervical dilation. Although this can happen a few weeks before, it generally only does so a few hours or days before delivery.  And your doctors will be able to measure your dilation in sizes from 1-10.  For example, a woman can be 2-3 centimeters for a week or so before delivery, and will then experience a quicker dilation process right before labor begins.   However, some women feel this dilation more intensely and is called Braxton Hicks, and these small contractions are the early dilation signs, and most often are confused for real labor.

Then you have the more intense labor signs that will begin very close to deliver, and most often present with extreme back pain.  Although your contractions happen in your uterus and should be felt in your pelvis, many women experience it in their backs instead, and are a sure sign that your labor will begin soon.  Furthermore, another sure sign that your time is very near is when your water breaks.

This is when the amniotic bag that surrounds the baby breaks.  When you experience a rush or even trickles of fluid come from the vaginal area, it is best to contact your doctor right away.  However, for some women, the water will not break on its own and must be done by their doctor. Full labor will present shortly after the water has broken and each contraction will last more than 30 seconds becoming closer together and get stronger as well.

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Things NOT To Do During Pregnancy

1. Limit or avoid the following types of food:
  • Some foods like deli meats, sushi or feta cheese can be challenging to your immune system. They can contain harmful chemicals that are bad for the developing brain and for your microflora.
  • Avoid raw, unpasteurized meat: heat deli meat to 150 degrees before eating.
  • Avoid fish high in mercury -- king mackerel, shark, swordfish, and tilefish.
  • Fast food: during pregnancy your stomach size decreases, while junk food can take up room and prevent you from eating the foods you really need both for your and your baby's health.
2. Extra vitamin supplements: there are special prenatal vitamins which will supply your organism with all necessary substances. Consult your doctor for need in them taking them.

3. Limit exposure to toxins: be careful about everything you breathe and touch as it can easily affect your baby
  • Smoking and second hand smoke: if you are a smoker, get rid of this bad habit! Otherwise it can cause the development of congenital diseases in your baby. Secondhand smoke is also dangerous for you and your baby, so ask others to smoke outside.
  • Products: try to choose the safest products – without pesticides and harmful chemicals.
  • Paint fumes: look for low VOC paints in order to avoid breathing many toxins while decorating a room. It’s better to have someone to paint for you.
  • Garden: again try to avoid contact with pesticides, herbicides and fungicides.
  • Household cleansers: basic ingredients like vinegar and baking soda can tackle most household chores. Avoid products that say warning, poison, or danger.
4. Alcohol and Drugs: there are substances that can pass through to your baby and can be damaging as placenta doesn't filter all chemicals
  • Alcohol: it’s clear that alcohol can have a variety of negative effects on your developing baby. A "safe" amount of alcohol to consume during pregnancy is still not established.
  • Street drugs: the use of illegal drugs during pregnancy will definitely cause developmental impairment for the baby and pregnancy complications for the mom.
  • Use all drugs with caution: before using any drug during pregnancy, talk to your midwife or doctor to avoid cause devastating effects to your baby.
5. Pet Precautions
  • Cat litter: wear disposable gloves to lower the risk of toxoplasmosis or better ask someone to change the litter box instead of you.
  • Avoid tick bites: they open you to the risk of lyme disease. Reduce risk by wearing proper clothing and doing a "tick check" after hiking.
6. Don't Overheat
  • Try to keep your temp below 101°F.
  • Avoid Sauna and hot tubs.
  • Check your core temperature every 20 minutes during workouts using a rectal thermometer. Remember that your baby can't cool down by sweating. Slow down or have a rest if your temperature reaches 101°F.
  • Hot weather: during extreme temperatures it’s helpful to drink plenty of water and work early in the day before the hottest day time.

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