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Signs of being pregnant

Often fatigue, desire of nausea and cravings, sweet and sour: 10 typical signs, which indicates that you are pregnant. 

There are precursors, which often indicates a pregnancy answers the question “I am pregnant?”.

We give you the 10 best-known signs of pregnancy:

1. Signs of being pregnancy: Cravings

Sudden craving for unusual food combinations are a sign for pregnancy. Surveys of pregnant women consistently show a similar picture: Up to 85 percent of women say they are often plagued by food cravings, often in the middle of the night. Nearly half has appetite for sweets like ice cream or strawberries, about 20 percent have desire for sour, like pickles.

2. Signs of being pregnancy: Tender breasts

The feeling of swollen breasts and exciting moves many women to make a pregnancy test. In the case of pregnancy, the breasts are changing noticeably by the increase in hormones in the body: They are increasingly sensitive to touch.

Often the skin discolors dark around the nipples, a common outward sign of the hormonal changes.

3. Signs of being pregnancy: Little bleeding

A few days after ovulation, there can be a little bleeding , which is sometimes associated with mild abdominal cramps. But that is easy to treat. Consult your gynecologist.

Laying is right then, because that lowers the blood pressure and can the body can seal easily the bleeding vessel.

4. Signs of being pregnancy: High basal body temperature

The surest sign of pregnancy comes from the unborn child itself. This includes the baby’s heart, the increasing basal temperature, shortly after waking up. In general, it lies between 36.5 and 37 degrees. Shortly before ovulation, it rises about 0.5 degrees. During pregnancy, the temperature remains at this elevated level. Otherwise, it falls back ten o’clock to twelve days after ovulation. In individual cases it can also decrease after 18 days.

5. Signs of being pregnancy: Nausea

Nausea – whether morning, afternoon or evening can also be a signal for a pregnancy. However, it can also occur until several weeks after conception. In general, the nausea passes, but at least in the second trimester of pregnancy.

Even the sense of smell changes often. Recently appetizing and pleasant smell, can suddenly be unbearable for pregnant women.

6. Signs of being pregnancy: No energy

Leaden fatigue and exhaustion are the most common indicator of pregnancy. They occur mainly in the first four months. The reason: The body is working so hard at the beginning, the “hotel room” for the newborn. This physical peak, with all its organic and hormonal changes is extremely demanding and tiring.

7. Signs of being pregnancy: Frequent urination as

Even in the early pregnancy (from the sixth week), almost all pregnant women notice that they often have to use the toilet. This is the bladder, which can hold 300 to 500 milliliters, mostly filled incorrectly. This comes from the progesterone hormone, produced in the body, which has a relaxing effect on the bladder muscles. The Increased blood circulation stimulates the renal activity, so that more urine is produced. Moreover, the growing uterus pushes more and more on the bladder.

8. Signs of being pregnancy: “Just a feeling” of a pregnancy

Some women believe to notice when “it just happened.” Medically speaking, this is not possible because the body sends no signals at the moment of fertilization. But there are also scientists who do not want to rule out that some women have a kind of “sixth sense” and can perform the insemination.

9. Signs of being pregnancy: A missed period

The absence of the menstrual is perhaps the clearest sign of pregnancy. If you get your period regularly and then it is suddenly missing, you should take a first response pregnancy test.

10. Signs of being pregnancy:: A positive test

With a pregnancy test you get the result in cold print. If you made the test too early, it can be negative in spite of an existing pregnancy. An early diagnoses can be given ten days after the fertilization.

photo credit: wjserson via photopin cc
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