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Heartburn during pregnancy

Feeling so fed up with that burning feeling in your chest that reaches your throat to the point you almost want to throw up? That’s actually pretty normal if you are pregnant and it is definitely bothersome especially if you are carrying “someone” there in your tummy.

Heartburn during pregnancy

Most commonly, heartburn during pregnancy is due to the pressure of the growing fetus inside your abdomen which displaces or presses some of your gastrointestinal organs like your stomach. This usually happens when the height of your fundus (top most part of your uterus) reaches the stomach region. This means that heartburn during pregnancy is kind of a normal thing but definitely, we can prevent this from occurring as this may be really stressful on the part of the mother.

Here are some tips which you can employ to prevent experiencing heartburn during pregnancy:

Proper Positioning. When taking a nap or lying down, be sure to elevate your head higher than the rest of your body. This will prevent the stomach contents from flowing back to the esophagus.

Zero Spicy and Fatty Foods. Limit, if not totally avoid fatty and spicy foods during pregnancy. These types of food irritate the lining of the esophagus and have been found to cause the relaxation of the valve that controls the flow of food into the stomach.

Banned Beverages. You must also try to avoid drinking beverages containing caffeine, citrus, as well as soda drinks as these beverages will exacerbate or intensify the occurrence of heartburn during pregnancy.

Small Frequent Feedings. Since your stomach has adjusted to the growing child inside you, the content of food that your stomach can handle will also adjust and lessen. Eat small meals frequently to avoid dumping of food inside your stomach because this might lead to acid reflux. Eating small meals will also keep you energized all throughout the day.

Dress Comfortably. Avoid wearing tight clothes while you are pregnant. Apart from being uncomfortable, it also tightens your abdomen thus promoting your stomach contents to flow back into the esophagus.

After Meal Rituals. Right after eating a heavy meal, try to walk around to help your stomach digest your food and speed up gastric emptying. Also avoid lying down immediately- try to wait for about an hour or so. If lying down to take some nap or sleep, make sure you lie towards the left to avoid acid reflux, as well as hypotension.

Following these steps will help you lessen the occurrence of heartburn during pregnancy. If the problem persists, it is best to consult your physician to be prescribed with appropriate medications which are proven to be safe during pregnancy.

photo credit: GDJVJ via photopin cc
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