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Nutrition in the pregnancy

Why is correct nutrition so important in the pregnancy?

In former times often the opinion prevailed forwards that the pregnant woman for two must eat. That is not correct, if one literally means the double quantity with it. Correct it is however that you should provide from now on for a good nutrition. Because of everything that you eat, the materials arrive over the navel cord at your child. Therefore your nutrition is very important during the pregnancy and in the quiet time.

 If important nutrients are missing to you, then they are missing to the child also. If you had weight problems before your pregnancy, you should set up a nourishing plan together with your physician or your midwife.

How do you need much energy during the pregnancy?
  • A woman needs about 2100 kilocalories/day.
  • A pregnant woman needs about 2500 kilocalories/day.
  • During satisfying a woman needs approximately 3000 kilocalories/day.
What should you eat during the pregnancy?

A balanced food is healthiest. It concerns food, which consists of all groups of foods: Milk products, fruits, vegetables, fish, meat, eggs, fat materials and grain products. If you eat each day from all components somewhat, then you receive to energy from fat, protein and carbohydrates. Consume five to six small portions instead of two or three sumptuous meals.
  • Due to the rapid growth of your baby the protein need already increases with beginning of pregnancy and should constitute proportionately about ten per cent. Many proteins are contained in meat, fish, egg and milk products as well as beans or bean products.
  • The recommended fat portion amounts to approximately 35 per cent. Fat materials receive you by the following products: Butter, oil, margarine, milk products and nuts.
  • The remainder should contain only coal hydrates. The recommended portion amounts to about 55 per cent. We find coal hydrates in bread, in noodles, in potatoes, in Grain products and in the rice.
On what should you respect when eating additionally?

Folic acid : If you are more pregnant, need in any case Folic acid. Folic acid is a vitamin and helps with the structure and with the education of the embryonic nervous system. Folic acid bends thereby new ral tubing defects particularly so called (defects in the development of the nervous system) forwards: open back (splitted vertebral column) and lip Kiefer-palate columns. Folic acid works best, if one takes her with vitamin C and vitamin B12 to itself. In the food you find to Folic acid in barley, wheat germs, soy, beans, calf liver, fruits endive salad, orange juice, lenses, peas and rice.

To take it recommended additionally 0.4 milligrams day pure Folic acid to itself. Best two months before the conception and at least up to the third month of the pregnancy. If you brought already a child with open back (splitted vertebral column) to the world, the dose indicated above should be higher. Speak with your physician.

Iron : Pregnant ones need more iron than otherwise, because the blood quantity is increased, in order to supply the child via the placenta with nutrients. Iron puts spinach in green vegetable, like for example Broccoli, as well as into red patches, strawberries, apricots and Grain products such as granola and bread. The iron is better taken up by the body, if you eat in addition somewhat containing vitamin C. Vitamin C is for example contained in oranges. Tea and coffee restrain against it the admission of iron.

Zinc : thereby concerns it also an important component for the development of the child. If you consider the past food recommendations, they take up anyway already enough of it with your food.

While a pregnancy is it important that you avoid larger quantities vitamin A, since it can come in the worst case to damages of the embryo. One finds vitamin A to a large extent in liver and liver pie. Avoid this food during their pregnancy. Avoid the consumption of not finished cooked pig or beef, since it can contain toxoplasmatic elements. Also raw eggs and not poultry refined sufficient for a long time represent a possible source of danger, since they can contain salmonella. Do without large mix coffee or tea, since this stimulant drug are, to alcohol are during the pregnancy taboo.

How do you avoid blockage?

Due to the changed hormone budget the intestine function is reduced. This can lead to blockage. They avoid or alleviate complaints by ballast-material-rich food: Fruits, vegetables, cooked and roughly, whole-meal bread, full grain products such as cereals or soaked plums in the morning. Helpful also a glass lukewarm water on sober stomach is to be drunk. In very persistent cases Sie1-2 EL can take lactose daily in juices or yogurt to itself. Drink plentifully water, juices or tea, at least two better still three liters on the day.
Movement bends likewise a blockage forwards, since the movement stimulates the intestine function. Swim or go you to two to three times in the week, 20 each to 30 minutes in a faster speed walking.

How should you increase much during the pregnancy?

An increase from ten to twelve kilograms is considered as normal. In principle the increase depends however on your weight before the pregnancy. You are rather an underweight or woman weighty at the lower limit of the standard may you more than twelve kg increase. In contrast to it overweight should remain woman if possible under it and accompany in each case of a nutritionist.

If you increase more than 600 g per week, you should your physician or your midwife inform, in order on sudden accumulations of liquid and sugar illness to be examined. A too high gain in weight can be caused also by wrong nutrition or lack of movement. In this case you inform your physician or your midwife.

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