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Strange Signs of Pregnancy – Very Early Pregnancy Signs

Most women are aware of the common pregnancy symptoms. Most women while planning their pregnancy are prepared to face these earliest signs of pregnancy. But majority women are unaware and not prepared to face these unusual pregnancy symptoms. Only some women are aware that signs of pregnancy are extremely unpredictable.

These signs of pregnancy increase the anxiety and confusion linked with pregnancy. Sometimes it becomes very difficult for the women to detect or confirm their pregnancy specifically if it is the first one. Most pregnant women start to worry if these unusual signs of pregnancy are the alarming bells of any pregnancy related complications.

Early Pregnancy Signs

Some mom-to-be makes the most major blunder of not informing these pregnancy symptoms to their doctors, which is not healthy for the health of the mother as well as the growing fetus.

The comprehensive knowledge of unusual signs of pregnancy is important to know for all women planning pregnancy.

Spider Veins: A most unusual sign of pregnancy is the veins that surround the chest and upper arms suddenly become more prominent. This sign of pregnancy worry a lot to those women who hates spider veins. Their confusion can be relieved I they know that it is only because of an increased blood flow towards the chest.

Nasal Congestion: Sometimes the nose of the pregnant women becomes clog repeatedly. The proper knowledge helps the woman to understand that it is mainly because of nasal congestion which is an unusual sign of pregnancy. Nasal congestion contributes in giving even more uncomfortable and sleepless nights as is generally the case during seasonal flu. It sometimes results in the bleeding of nose as well. This nasal congestion is not accompanied by any other sign of seasonal cold. So whenever the woman who is expecting or planning pregnancy faces a repeated nasal congestion in the perfect weather then it is good to consult doctor.

Metallic Taste: A strange metallic taste in the early pregnancy is also an unusual or strange sign of pregnancy. This metallic taste is because of the drastic changes in the level of hormones in early pregnancy.

Flatulence: Flatulence and gases are also an embarrassing and uncomfortable early pregnancy signs. If pregnancy is confirmed this unusual pregnancy signs can be better handled by slight modification in diet plan.

Increase in Production of Saliva: Sometimes pregnant moms start to experience increased saliva in the mouth. Increased saliva results in the most usual and uncomfortable pregnancy sign “Nausea”. Sometimes mom- to be has to experience drooling of their mouth in early pregnancy during sleep.

Leg Cramps: Whenever you wake up in the middle of the night because of leg cramps or because of the pain in legs it is good to contact doctor. These leg cramps are because of calcium deficiency. This deficiency becomes more obvious in early pregnancy and results in leg cramps. Doctor can prescribe some calcium tablet to reduce the pain and relieve this unusual pregnancy symptom.

Facial Hair: No matter how much a woman had paid for the removal of facial hair till there is an increase in pigmentation as well as facial hair during pregnancy. It is recommended to go to the doctor’s clinic instead of visiting a parlor of such hair growth is seen in early pregnancy.

It is good to contact doctor if any of the above early pregnancy symptom is seen.

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Symptoms of Pregnancy During the First Month – Know the Facts

The manifestation of the changes during the first month of pregnancy can be different in different women. However there are some common symptoms and signs which are usual during the first month of pregnancy. Consulting a physician or a doctor can be helpful, to know about the full cycle, so that you can take precautions accordingly. Swollen and tender breasts are common signs of the early pregnancy. You may feel some discomfort. 

However the pain is no longer there after the first trimester. The body gradually adapts to the new situation and the hormonal changes. Most women complain of tiredness and fatigue during the first month of their pregnancy. It generally results from the stress that is caused as the body tries to cope with the physical changes.

Symptoms of Pregnancy

Even the level of progesterone increases during the first month of pregnancy and this will make you feel exhausted. Hunger pangs are common. However although some women have acute food cravings, some are known to have an acute dislike for food. Many experience morning sickness which is a common phenomenon during the first month of pregnancy. There are women who acutely dislike the smell of any particular thing. Women generally have a heightened sense of smell during this period. You can always consult a doctor if it becomes unbearable.

Frequent urination and the swelling of the tummy can actually tell you that there is a change in the body. During the first month you will feel exhausted as the body experiences a good number of metabolic changes. There is a change in the hormonal balance which can affect the digestive system and also contribute to your morning sickness. You should eat properly and stick to a healthy and nutritious diet to keep yourself and your baby well-fed.

If you suffer from morning sickness, you can eat in small portions all through the day which will keep the body nourished. If you are working, you might consider taking a week or month off so that you can relax and enjoy the moment. The symptoms and signs of pregnancy during the first month will tell you about the other changes that are going to follow in the next few months.

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Healthy Pregnancy

Being pregnant is a whole new life event which most women look forward to. It is the accomplishment of something special in one’s life- a blessing, actually. While many women, married or not, feel excited about having a baby- there are a lot of questions related to it. Some are not even aware as to what thing should be done first.

Every pregnant woman wants her pregnancy to be a healthy and risk-free event from day one until delivery. But what are the things that must be done first. This article would tackle on what the woman should understand about pregnancy and most importantly the implications.

The First Few Days

Basically, during the first few days upon conception, the woman would feel vague signs and symptoms. It can be as simple as flu or runny nose, nausea and vomiting and the likes. In other words, such symptoms can indicate diseases other than pregnancy. It is important therefore to have yourself checked if you are pregnant or not, otherwise it would be too late for you to undo the things you have already done prior to having knowledge of your pregnancy.

The Risks of Unconfirmed Pregnancy

Unconfirmed pregnancies can pose a risk on both the embryo or fetus growing inside and the mother as well. It is important for one to know immediately if she is pregnant or not.
Risks associated may range from simple abnormal bleeding or even miscarriage and fetal deformities. How this happens? Here’s how:

The early weeks of pregnancy are important because it is the time when a woman’s body begins to accept the embryo as a living thing. It is called implantation. After implantation, different vital organs start to develop, the heart, kidneys, brain, lungs and other parts, too.

Miscarriage and deformities, even congenital anomalies (defects and diseases present upon birth) may develop and this is devastating to both the couple, and the infant. This can happen due to intake of drugs which are contraindicated for pregnant women; this may also be due to alcoholism and cigarette smoking. Others may be genetically acquired.

The thing is, anything can happen during the first few days and weeks that’s why it is important to become vigilant as to what things are happening in your body. Simple signs and symptoms may lead you to suspect you are pregnant and it important to be aware of these signs.

As mentioned above, it could be flu, runny nose and colds, nausea and vomiting. It can also present initially with feelings of breast tenderness and most importantly susceptible when one’s menstruation fails or ceases to occur.

It is always important to be sure and to be conclusive. Always be vigilant and watchful in order to prevent such risks. Pregnancy is an important event in a woman’s life and one should promote health for both the mother and the growing fetus inside the womb.

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Getting Pregnant With A Boy Baby The Natural Way

If you’ve found this article, I have to assume that you want a baby boy, but luckily you realize that you don’t have to go to an expensive gender selection clinic to achieve that goal. You probably already realize that there are natural ways that you can tip the scales in your favor for conceiving a son. This article will discuss things you can do at home to greatly increase your odds of having a blue nursery.

Getting Pregnant With A Boy

Understanding The Characteristics Of Y Sperm: Before I get continue, I want to briefly touch upon characteristics of boy (or Y) sperm. When a couple tries to conceive, a man’s sperm carries X (girl) and Y (boy) chromosomes. The Y (boy) sperm are the fastest of the two but it is not very strong or long lasting. It can not survive in a highly acidic or harsh vaginal environment. Therefore, your attempts to conceive a boy should take advantage of the Y sperm’s quickness and try to compensate for it’s weakness.

The First Thing You Can Do At Home To Ready Yourself For Conceiving A Son: I believe the first thing that you should do when you want to conceive a boy is know your vaginal PH and acidity. Because if you don’t, all of the other methods you use will be thwarted because your vaginal acidity will contribute to the Y (boy) sperm dying off before they can reach the egg. You can very easily test your acidity with PH testing strips. Once you know your number, you’ll know how far you are from what is commonly called “the boy zone’ which is the vaginal PH needed to be friendly to those sperm that will produce a son.

Changing An Acidic Vaginal PH At Home Through Foods And Specialty Douches: Many women will need to make at least some adjustments to obtain a more alkaline PH. Some women are naturally very acidic and will have to work a bit harder, but that’s ok. With diligence, nothing is impossible. Conventional wisdom indicates that you need to consume foods high in sodium and potassium if you want a boy and avoid foods that are high in calcium or magnesium. You’ll need to be very diligent about this, but altering foods can bring an acidic PH down. I believe though that for optimal and fast results, it’s best to combine douching and food alteration. Gender selection clinics sell specialty douches for this purpose, but there are recipes that allow you to make these at home.

Intercourse Positions And Ovulation Timing To Increase The Chances Of Having A Boy: Changing your vaginal PH is an important part of the equation, but it is only one part. To get a boy, you should also conceive as close to your ovulation day as possible, (preferably the day of or the day after.)  Anytime before this will give the boy sperm too much time to die off before the egg arrives and will favor having a girl.

You should also use deep penetration with intercourse so that you are depositing the sperm as close to the cervix as you possibly can. This allows the boy sperm a quick, safer trip on the way to the egg, with less exposure to the vaginal environment.

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Early Pregnancy Test

There are many early pregnancy symptoms and how can you tell if they are symptoms of early pregnancy? The more of these symptoms of early pregnancy you have that are listed below then the higher probability there is that you are experiencing early pregnancy symptoms. Read through the list below and see how many symptoms you have of pregnancy.

Early Pregnancy Test

Some women never feel nauseous in early pregnancy, but instead want to eat everything in sight. It takes extra calories to build a baby, so this makes sense. Don’t be shocked if you feel nauseous early on and then very hungry later in the pregnancy.

A free of charge on the net being pregnant test must be treated being an earliest step in detection of having a baby. You cannot just rely on these check outcomes like a final confirmation of your pregnancy. You are sure to locate hints concerning the being pregnant by an on the net pregnancy test, but this test have to certainly not replace healthcare confirmatory experiment below observation of physicians. Instead, these assessments are the finest ways to measure your possibilities of acquiring pregnant. You may follow these test benefits to decide if you ever should consider a health care confirmatory experiment. So allow us uncover out, how can these tests process outcomes and what do they conclude, finally?

Your period isn’t even due yet and you’re already suspecting that you may be pregnant. This could be because you have been actively trying to get pregnant, or because you are noticing signs and symptoms within your own body that are different from your other months and so may be pregnancy related. It is possible to feel pregnancy signs before missed periods are noticed. A missed period is the most reliable sign of an early pregnancy, but if you cannot wait that long to test, there are signs you can look for to help you to determine if perhaps you might be pregnant!

Expecting moms get very anxious the moment that they start to feel a possible pregnancy. Once they miss their period, they get very excited and curious whether they are pregnant or not. And thus, they would head off to the nearest pharmacy or convenient store to purchase a home pregnancy kit. An early pregnancy test may help you confirm whether you are pregnant or not. But is an early pregnancy test accurate? When should you take your first pregnancy test?

When you are trying to become pregnant – or are anxious that you may be pregnant – the waiting game can be excruciating. Fortunately, with the continued introduction of more sensitive testing procedures, you are able to know if you are pregnant very early in the process. An early pregnancy test can put your mind at ease and, if you are pregnant, allow you to make arrangements to see a doctor right away, ensuring the best prenatal care for your baby.

In many cases, getting an early pregnancy detection is absolutely essential and cannot be understated. If you neglect to take an early pregnancy test, you may inadvertently stop your pregnancy.

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Coping With Morning Sickness – One of the Early Signs of Pregnancy

If you are pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant, you probably want to know how to avoid or at least cope with morning sickness. Most women experience at least some form of morning sickness, and it can be a devastating symptom that puts a damper on early pregnancy. There are really no sure-fire cures for this sign of pregnancy, but there are definitely ways to cope with it and lessen its impact on your life.

Possibly because of the hormones coursing through a woman’s body during pregnancy, she can get queasy and nauseated and even vomit. This so-called morning sickness can happen at any time, day or night. Some women only experience it in the morning, but some deal with it all day long. Some women experience this in the early stages of pregnancy, but some have it for nearly their whole pregnancy.

One way to cope with nausea is to make sure you are eating every hour or so. Once the stomach is empty, nausea can follow. Even if you eat a handful of almonds or a cracker, eat something every couple of hours. Some women find that if they eat a cracker before getting out of bed, they can avoid the worst of the nausea.

Another way to deal with the sickness is to eat what feels comfortable to you. Fruit, especially apples and lemons, can lessen nausea. Some women say that a bit of ginger helps as well. Heavy meals full of sugar and fat can cause sickness, so avoid such meals if you can. Sometimes bland foods, such as potatoes and pasta can help with the nausea.

Your body will know what it needs, so try to listen to signals from your body. Don’t worry too much about getting the right vitamins and minerals, just try and eat what you can.
Acupressure is another well-known way to deal with the nausea caused by pregnancy. Drugstores and pharmacies sell wristbands that target points on the wrist that help with nausea. Wearing these wristbands during the day can help to ease symptoms of sickness.

Some other remedies include regular exercise, adding in more vitamin B6 to your diet (found in bananas, bell peppers, spinach, and salmon). Keeping a food diary can help you pinpoint which foods are helping with your sickness and which ones are making things worse.

Morning sickness is a difficult symptom of pregnancy to deal with. Try some of the above remedies and find out what works for you. If you experience severe nausea that greatly interferes with your life, consult with a healthcare professional. And remember that this is a stage of pregnancy that will eventually pass.

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Heartburn in Pregnancy explained: And how to combat heartburn during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a much awaited part of a woman’s life. However, this moment may present with a lot of discomforts like early morning sickness, loss of appetite, episodes of nausea and vomiting, and most of all heartburn during pregnancy. Heartburn in Pregnancy is a common occurrence during gestation. It most often presents during the later trimester when the baby’s size starts to put pressure in the mother’s abdominal organs especially the stomach. Now keep in mind that you should never risk complicating pregnancy in any way and that absolutely includes acid reflux.

Heartburn in Pregnancy explained

Being relieved from the pain and discomfort that this condition causes to the mother will be helpful in promoting comfort and alleviating stress to both the woman and the growing child. Here are a few tips that may be done to prevent Heartburn in Pregnancy:
Avoid late night snacks and meals before going to bed. The stomach needs to be empty before retiring to bed as a full stomach may cause a back-flow of the contents into the esophagus thereby causing heartburn during pregnancy.

Eating spicy and hot foods, peppermint, chocolate, carbonated drinks and citrus containing juices can trigger the occurrence of heartburn. Try to get used to bland foods as these will not irritate your gastrointestinal system. You can also try drinking fresh ginger mixed with water during meal time. Ginger water has worked great for me recently and it actually tastes pretty good. Also next time you are at the supermarket I suggest you pick up some apple cider vinegar, apple cider vinegar tastes great and will help reduce the symptoms of heartburn as soon as they start. If you are really in a bind and don’t have any of the materials listed above you can go back to old faithful which is baking soda. Mixing baking soda with water has been working to fight heartburn for ages and still works great, keep in mind that it doesn’t taste all that great but adding honey can help and this is a great remedy for heartburn during pregnancy.

Avoid using tobacco and alcohol while pregnant, as well as during breastfeeding. Alcohol can cross the placental barrier and can also affect the child. Remember that what you eat will also be taken in by your child passively. Apart from the pregnancy related dangers of alcohol and smoking, this may also lead to health hazards in the long run. Heartburn during pregnancy is not to be taken lightly. Even if you’re not pregnant, smoking cigarettes has been proven to cause heartburn more in smokers then in nonsmokers, so if you needed one more reason to quit then there you go.

Wear loose clothes instead of tight fitting garments. This promotes comfort as well as prevents unwanted pressure into your abdomen Remember that the growing uterus is already enough pressure that causes heartburn so do not attempt to add more pressure to your digestive organs.

Before sleeping, also make sure that you ambulate for about an hour or two to make sure your stomach has already emptied. A lying position makes it easier for stomach contents to flush backwards so make sure you elevate your head using pillows and make sure your head is higher than your entire trunk and feet. This positions your body in such a way that gastric content will not backwash to the esophagus. Preventing content from “backwashing” will be extremely beneficial in preventing heartburn during pregnancy, so keep those feet elevated!

Heartburn In Pregnancy should be managed easily by diet modification and lifestyle changes. Otherwise, if doing these prevention techniques will not relieve you from the discomforts of heartburn, seek for medical help and have yourself checked. Your OB Gyne might prescribe some drugs for you and make sure that these drugs are safe to be taken during pregnancy. The number one goal in an expecting mother’s life is to limit all possible complications and we hope to have helped you achieve that a little more with our heartburn during pregnancy article. Good luck!

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Enjoy Your Second Trimester Of Pregnancy!

You might be surprised, but the second trimester of pregnancy is the easiest stage! Most of the pregnancy symptoms, including the horrible morning sickness, have vanished and you have also passed the danger of miscarriages that are common in the first stage of pregnancy.

It’s time now for outings and enjoying the feeling of creating a life inside! The best thing about second trimester of pregnancy is that you get back your energy and your sex drive. You feel “normal” once again!

Second Trimester Of Pregnancy

What Happens To Your Body?

During the second trimester of pregnancy, your body increases in size. Your breasts enlarge further and secrete colostrum. Your heart starts pumping harder and undergoes a slight increase in size.

What Happens To Your Baby?

Your baby’s face has a defined nose, chin, and forehead by now. Due to the development of facial muscles, she can even smile! Fine hair starts growing all over your baby’s body. She has a distinct set of fingerprints. Your baby is about 3 inches in length. She now has her own identity and is no longer just a bunch of cells.


Although the second trimester of pregnancy is relatively easier than the first trimester pregnancy and third trimester pregnancy, there are certain problems that might show their face. They are constipation, gas, and bleeding of gums.

Besides this, you may find it extremely uncomfortable to sleep on your back. This is because the developing fetus exerts pressure on your blood vessels. As there is no question of sleeping on your belly, the best way to sleep is on your side with the support of pillows. A dull backache may nudge you during this time, as your baby puts pressure on your ligaments.

It is advised to go for a regular testing of your urine to rule out the possibility of gestational diabetes, which is common at this different stage of pregnancy. You might also notice certain areas of your skin getting dark. Some of you might also feel dizzy at times while some may observe a slight enlargement in the size of their feet due to the expansion of ligaments.

Symptoms that require immediate medical attention during this stage are vaginal bleeding, hypertension, weak cervix, diabetes, high fever, blurred vision, and swelling of face and hands. Premature labor is yet another issue to watch out for.


You should avoid standing on your feet for prolonged period of time. Take fiber rich food in order to stay away from hemorrhoids. Be conscious of how you sit; your back should be straight.

The best thing about this stage is you can eat what you like, as there is no problem of nausea now. Lots of fibers, fresh vegetables and fruits, and low fat milk should be a part of your diet. Papaya works wonders during acidity. The smartest thing to do right now is ask your partner to drop those cigarettes and you can cut down on the number of wine glasses.

The third trimester pregnancy period is the toughest; hence, enjoy your second trimester of pregnancy as much as you can!

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Pregnancy Low Sodium Diet

During pregnancy, a low sodium diet may be required for some women who are holding extra water in their bodies. This condition is called pregnancy-induced hypertension, and can be very dangerous to the mother and the baby. In many cases, a low sodium diet is recommended to help relieve the condition. Sodium, or salt, as it is more commonly called, causes the body to retain water, which in turn increases blood pressure.

Pregnancy Low Sodium Diet

If you have been placed on a low sodium diet during your pregnancy, or if you just want to improve your health before or after pregnancy by following a low sodium diet, then read on for some indispensable clues to following your low sodium diet!

The first step to compliance with a low sodium diet is to analyze what your usual diet contains. For at least 24 hours, write down everything that you drink and eat, as well as the sodium content of these foods. Ideally, you should be under the sodium limit that your doctor has given you. Under 1,200 mg of salt is considered to be a low sodium diet, in or out of pregnancy.

Chances are that you ate much more sodium that was recommended. In or out of pregnancy, most people do not naturally follow a low sodium diet. We tend to eat a variety of high sodium foods, some of which do not even taste salty! A good place to start for your pregnancy low sodium diet is to try not to eat fast food. Fast food is inherently salty; fast food may be some of the saltiest food on the planet!

Another huge source of sodium in the diet is from processed foods. Processed foods include most of the foods that come packaged in boxes, cans, or bags. Many people eat exclusively processed foods throughout the day; this does not help them to stay on their pregnancy low sodium diet.

To decrease your overall intake of sodium throughout the day, focus on eating fresh foods instead of packaged foods. Fresh fruits and vegetables are fantastic, low sodium options that are good for you and your baby. If you fill half of your plate with fruits and vegetables before you eat other foods, chances are that you will have much less room for all of the high sodium foods that you used to put on your plate.

The next simple step to follow your pregnancy low sodium diet is to avoid adding extra salt to foods. Try a sodium-free seasoning mix like Mrs. Dash, and pile on the flavor!

A few small changes can help you to have a healthy pregnancy! A low sodium diet will help you to lower your blood pressure to a healthy level.

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