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Heartburn in Pregnancy explained: And how to combat heartburn during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a much awaited part of a woman’s life. However, this moment may present with a lot of discomforts like early morning sickness, loss of appetite, episodes of nausea and vomiting, and most of all heartburn during pregnancy. Heartburn in Pregnancy is a common occurrence during gestation. It most often presents during the later trimester when the baby’s size starts to put pressure in the mother’s abdominal organs especially the stomach. Now keep in mind that you should never risk complicating pregnancy in any way and that absolutely includes acid reflux.

Heartburn in Pregnancy explained

Being relieved from the pain and discomfort that this condition causes to the mother will be helpful in promoting comfort and alleviating stress to both the woman and the growing child. Here are a few tips that may be done to prevent Heartburn in Pregnancy:
Avoid late night snacks and meals before going to bed. The stomach needs to be empty before retiring to bed as a full stomach may cause a back-flow of the contents into the esophagus thereby causing heartburn during pregnancy.

Eating spicy and hot foods, peppermint, chocolate, carbonated drinks and citrus containing juices can trigger the occurrence of heartburn. Try to get used to bland foods as these will not irritate your gastrointestinal system. You can also try drinking fresh ginger mixed with water during meal time. Ginger water has worked great for me recently and it actually tastes pretty good. Also next time you are at the supermarket I suggest you pick up some apple cider vinegar, apple cider vinegar tastes great and will help reduce the symptoms of heartburn as soon as they start. If you are really in a bind and don’t have any of the materials listed above you can go back to old faithful which is baking soda. Mixing baking soda with water has been working to fight heartburn for ages and still works great, keep in mind that it doesn’t taste all that great but adding honey can help and this is a great remedy for heartburn during pregnancy.

Avoid using tobacco and alcohol while pregnant, as well as during breastfeeding. Alcohol can cross the placental barrier and can also affect the child. Remember that what you eat will also be taken in by your child passively. Apart from the pregnancy related dangers of alcohol and smoking, this may also lead to health hazards in the long run. Heartburn during pregnancy is not to be taken lightly. Even if you’re not pregnant, smoking cigarettes has been proven to cause heartburn more in smokers then in nonsmokers, so if you needed one more reason to quit then there you go.

Wear loose clothes instead of tight fitting garments. This promotes comfort as well as prevents unwanted pressure into your abdomen Remember that the growing uterus is already enough pressure that causes heartburn so do not attempt to add more pressure to your digestive organs.

Before sleeping, also make sure that you ambulate for about an hour or two to make sure your stomach has already emptied. A lying position makes it easier for stomach contents to flush backwards so make sure you elevate your head using pillows and make sure your head is higher than your entire trunk and feet. This positions your body in such a way that gastric content will not backwash to the esophagus. Preventing content from “backwashing” will be extremely beneficial in preventing heartburn during pregnancy, so keep those feet elevated!

Heartburn In Pregnancy should be managed easily by diet modification and lifestyle changes. Otherwise, if doing these prevention techniques will not relieve you from the discomforts of heartburn, seek for medical help and have yourself checked. Your OB Gyne might prescribe some drugs for you and make sure that these drugs are safe to be taken during pregnancy. The number one goal in an expecting mother’s life is to limit all possible complications and we hope to have helped you achieve that a little more with our heartburn during pregnancy article. Good luck!

photo credit: Alex E. Proimos via photopin cc
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