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Pregnancy Symptoms – am I pregnant?

Finding out that you are pregnant can be the greatest joy for some people, but can also be very scary for others.  But what can be worse at times is going through the whole ordeal thinking you are pregnant only to find out that you are not.  This is why it is wise to learn about the pregnancy symptoms early on so that you know what to watch for.

These pregnancy symptoms can range from emotional signs to physical signs.  Below you will find a few tips on the symptoms that may present early on in a pregnancy so that you can gain the knowledge needed to get the right medical attention as soon as possible for you and your baby.

One of the common symptoms of pregnancy can actually feel like you are going to start your menstrual cycle.  What happens is that about 6-12 days after you have conceived, your embryo will become implanted in your uterine wall.  When this happens, some women may feel a bit of cramping and see some spotting or blood. But that is not the only menstruation issue that will arise while looking out for pregnancy symptoms.

You may be surprised to learn that not all pregnancies begin with a missed period.  There are some women who may just have a delayed menstrual cycle, or one that is just lighter and lasts for a shorter amount of time.  It is times like these that many women do not realize early signs of pregnancy and that they are pregnant until they are quite far along.  However, don’t fret yet, as even if your menstrual cycle does not give it away, there are many other pregnancy signs that will.

For instance, often times, one of the pregnancy symptoms women will experience is tender or swollen breasts early on in their pregnancy from the hormonal changes in their body.  And these same hormones can make them feel very fatigued as well.  In fact, feeling tired at the beginning of your pregnancy is very likely.  This happens because of the high doses of progesterone that will flow through your body making you feel very sleepy.  Furthermore, when you become pregnant you can often experience blower blood sugar levels, a low blood pressure, and even an increase in the blood that you produce, and all of those can cause fatigue.

And who can forget one of the most dreaded pregnancy symptoms: the ‘morning sickness’.  Although it is named that way, your nausea and vomiting can happen at any time of the day or night, and can begin as early as two weeks into your pregnancy.  The most common reason for this is because of the higher levels of estrogen that you will experience.  This hormone can make your sense of smell become stronger, and because of that, cause you to feel nauseous.  But luckily this tends to go away after the 12 week mark.

Another classic symptom of pregnancy is food cravings and even food aversions.  What used to make your mouth water with anticipation can turn it upside down, and what you would never have thought palpable can become your obsession.  And again, the reason behind these strange needs can be pinned on changes in your hormones, and especially when they are at their highest in your first trimester.  Furthermore, such hormones can cause headaches, constipation, faintness or dizziness, and raise your body temperature.

But one of the last classic symptoms of pregnancy is mood swings.  What used to be blamed on your menstrual cycle cannot be compared to the mood swings that you can experience while pregnant.  The reason why a woman has mood swings once a month is due to the hormones that regulate her menstrual cycle.  Well imagine those same hormones multiplied.  The result can cause you to cry one moment and get very angry the next.

So if you are experiencing one or many of these pregnancy symptoms, it is best to either go and purchase a test or visit your local gynecologist or family doctor.  If you are pregnant then they can point you in the right direction as to what to do next. But remember, that although these can point to pregnancy, they can also just mean that you are suffering from some other ailment, which is another reason why it is best to just be safe and get it check out.

photo credit: Christian Arballo via photopin cc
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