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Headache During Pregnancy

What is headache?

Headache knows nearly everyone. Chronic – thus regularly during a longer period away in short temporal distances arising – headache can load the health and the life of the concerning however with difficulty and lead up to the handicap. After reports of the World Health Organization (WHO) headache illnesses are world-wide strongly common, independently of regions as well as sociological, cultural or population structures. This speaks for it that most kinds of headache have a purely biological basis, uninfluenced by other outward factors.

In Germany suffer about 54 million humans under accumulation-wise or chronic headache. The two most frequent forms are tension headache and migraine, which constitute altogether approximately 90 per cent of all headache illnesses. Exceeds the tension headache with 63 to 86 per cent the occurrence of the migraine still by far. Often the different forms arise also combined. So for example some Migränepatienten have also at the same time tension headache.

In principle, the different kinds of headache well-known up to 200 are divided by the international headache company (IHS= internationally Headache Society) in two large groups:

1.    Complaints, which arise independently, thus no cause to assign are (= primary or idiopathischer headache): Over 90 per cent of all headache, which leads patients to the physician, belong to the primary headache. Examples of primary headache illnesses are migraine, tension or cluster headache. In addition, there are still different other kinds of primary headache.

2.    Pain, which arises due to diseases (= secondary or symptomatic headache): When different illnesses it can come apart from other symptoms also to headache, these can even in the foreground stand or only symptom be. So for example with infections, after injuries of the head, as side effect of drugs or other materials as well as with their withdrawal, with certain container diseases within the range of the head or neck, damage of nerves of the brain, head or face, damages of the neck spinal column, brain tumors or also illnesses of neck, eyes, ears, nose, nose beside caves, teeth…

Importantly: If headache arises for the first time, a well-known headache strengthens or occurs the pain attacks more frequently than otherwise usual, must a physician absolutely clarify whether behind it an illness is. If children under headache suffer, a physician should be likewise pulled to rate. Pregnant and satisfying women should before the income of medicines in each case with a physician or a pharmacist leave itself advised.

photo credit: jennaream via photopin cc
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