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Chances of Conceiving: How to increase fertility

As mentioned above, keeping your body healthy is very important in upping your chances of conceiving.  If you have a poor diet, are overweight, or are under a lot of stress, baby conception or fertility can become hindered.  Therefore, making sure that you eat right and keep to a regular exercise schedule, you will have much better odds at getting that bundle of joy that you so very much want.  What’s more, if you really want to start down the path of parenthood, make sure that you go and see your gynecologist to increase chances of conceiving.

Your gynecologist is an important part of the conception process as it is he or she that will be able to determine if your body is ready for a child and how successful are the chances of conceiving.  Also, your doctor will be able to give you some great advice like taking extra vitamins and folic acid so that you can increase your chances of a healthy conceiving as well as help your baby develop in those first few crucial months.  In addition, if you are a smoker or a drinker you will want to make sure to stop both, as well as limit how much caffeine you drink.

Once you have determined when you have determined when you ovulate and have gotten your diet and exercise under control, then you can begin trying to conceive.  However, this process takes two people, and your partner will also need to do his part in ensuring that good healthy sperm reach the healthy eggs to increase chances of conceiving.  For this it is also best if your partner can stop smoking, lower his intake of caffeine, as well as alcohol consumption.

All of these precautions will help in ensuring that the sperm will be healthy enough to fertilize the egg.  Once said, it is important to remember that you should have sex once every day starting just before you ovulate, and then begin to have sex at least twice a day during ovulation to increase chances of conceiving, and then back to once a day for the few days after ovulation has ended.  However, it is important to remember that too much sexual stimulation can reduce your partners’ sperm count so going overboard is not good either.  And above all else, just remember to relax and enjoy what you are about to accomplish.

photo credit: Tobias Lindman via photopin cc
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