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The Beginning – The First Signs Of Pregnancy

The first signs of pregnancy in first-time mothers may be a cause of concern for them. More often than not, they may not be sure if they are pregnant at all. Another problem is that a woman may not have all the first pregnancy symptoms. Besides, the first signs of pregnancy are very different from what you undergo as your pregnancy week by week grows in each trimester.

The Very First Signs Of Pregnancy That Can Be Misleading

·  Periods: ‘Missed period’ is the very first sign for a woman to know whether she is pregnant or not. However, the problem here is that not every period missed is because of pregnancy. Irregularity in menstrual cycle is also observed due to stress and over-tiredness.

 Moreover, in some cases, periods continue albeit lightly, even after pregnancy for one or two months. This first sign of pregnancy because of their unawareness may mislead women who are pregnant for the first time. 

·  Breasts: Another apparent symptom for the first sign of pregnancy is tender or swollen breasts, with tingling sensation that occur immediately after conception. However, this symptom may be the result of the side-effects of some birth control pills or PMS, the breast changes may not be taken as a definite indicator of pregnancy. 

·  Morning sickness: Morning sickness is another first sign of pregnancy. Though it is called morning sickness, it may come at any time during the day. Usually, it comes for two to eight weeks after becoming pregnant. However, there may be other possible causes for the illness like food poisoning, infection etc. 

·  Excess urination: It has been medically found that women immediately after conceiving urinate frequently. This is also one of the first signs of pregnancy. However, there are other causes for excessive urination as well like diuretics, urinary infection, diabetes, or even tension. 

·  Fetal Heart Beat: The point here is none of the above first signs of pregnancy may be a definite indicator or proof for a woman to confirm herself about her pregnancy, more so in the case of first time pregnant women. Having said all the above, it must be mentioned here that the first confirmed proof of pregnancy comes in the form of the first fetal heart beat, that is audible to the woman during the first ten to twenty weeks [in ultrasound]. This along with the any one of the above pregnancy symtoms viz., missed period, breast changes, morning sickness, frequent urination may conclusively confirm that a woman is ‘carrying’ (her baby). 

The first signs of pregnancy may be a new experience for first-timers, while they may mislead or confuse others.

photo credit: nathansnostalgia via photopin cc
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